Areas of Expertise
- Accounting
- Construction Litigation
- Damages & Lost Profit Analysis
- Data Analytics Testing
- Expert Witness
- Forensic Accounting
- Fraud Investigation
- Internal Investigations
- Litigation Support
- Valuation
- Automotive
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Real Estate
Prominent Cases
- Owens Corning et al. In The United States Bankruptcy Court For The District Of Delaware – Financial advisor to debtors, including valuation of contingent liabilities associated with asbestos bodily injury claims, preferential payments, executory contracts, accounting and financial reporting, and analysis and reconciliation of alleged mass tort claims.
- Continental Vineyard LLC and Indeck Paso Robles LLC v. Vinifera Wine Co. LLC et al.– Damages expert to rebut plaintiffs’ claims of lost profits, unjust enrichment and alleged lost value. Jury awarded zero $-0- in damages after finding defendants liable for unfair competition.
- Automotive Dispute Matters – Damages expert or consultant in numerous disputes in the automotive industry involving vehicle manufacturers, component suppliers, dealerships and service providers. Matters include contract disputes, termination claims, warranty and recall claims, intellectual property disputes, bankruptcy matters, forensic investigations, dealership disputes, post-acquisition disputes, business valuation, manufacturers’ representative matters, employment matters and product liability claims.
- Fortuna v. Alimi et al. – Forensic Expert and trial testimony regarding forensic investigation of claims of conversion, financial abuse and fraud in connection with elder care. Bench trial and finding of liability and award of treble damages.
- Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Accounting, University of Michigan
- 2 Years with Firm
- 32 Years of Relevant Experience
Robert Winiarski is a Senior Managing Director in the Detroit Forensic Accounting and Litigation Support Practice. Bob has provided litigation consulting services in hundreds of complex commercial disputes and corporate reorganization matters. He regularly performs fact finding and discovery assistance, lost profit calculations, business valuations, lost earnings and wages computations, and other damages calculations and financial analyses. Bob has served as an expert and consultant in the quantification of economic damages in matters ranging from contract claims to business interruption claims, construction and government contracting claims, intellectual property matters, accounting malpractice, stockholder and post-acquisition disputes, antitrust matters, and personal injury claims. Moreover, as a Certified Fraud Examiner, Bob leads engagements in the investigation, detection and quantification of financial reporting fraud and asset misappropriations. He is the co-developer and author of a case study on fraudulent financial reporting published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for distribution to academic institutions.
In 2002, Bob founded the firm of Crawford & Winiarski, which was acquired by B. Riley in 2023. Prior to the formation of Crawford & Winiarski, Bob was employed in the audit and financial and economic consulting practices of an international accounting and consulting firm.
Bob earned a Master of Accounting and a Bachelor of Business Administration with high honors from the University of Michigan, School of Business Administration.